Teachers and Trainers
Jobst Langhans
Born 1955 (director, actor, drama teacher)
Studied Church music and philosophy, private drama training with
Else Bongers and Jürgen v. Alten. Has been engaged by various
stages in Berlin, Germany and abroad as actor and director. 1983-95
director of the theaterforum kreuzberg. Since 1984 director of
the Michael Tschechow Studio Berlin. Initiator and organiser of
the first International Michael Tschechow Conference in Berlin
in 1992 and the fourth Michael Chekhov Workshop (MCIW) in Berlin
in 1995. 1992-95 Minister or the International Michael Chekhov
Association. Since 1998 director of the WERKBÜHNE BERLIN. Guest
lecturer/director at drama schools in Germany and abroard. Director
of masterclasses in Moscow, London, Madrid, Riga, Glasgow, Amsterdam,
New York, Zagreb, Helsinki, Istanbul and others. Master lecturer/teacher
of the Michael Chekhov Association - USA. Training partner for
organizational development
Director of MTSB - Subjects: Chekhov Training,
Scene Work, Theory, Directing, Judo
Beate Krützkamp
Born 1961 (Teacher of speech and drama)
Studied speech and drama at Alanus University, Alfter/Bonn.
Teacher at the Michael Tschechow Studio Berlin and at the University
of the Arts, Berlin (for breath, voice and text in the Department
of Theatre Education).
Theater projects with students and disabled persons.
Since 1989 - 'Scenic literature projects'.
Subjects: Speech, scene reading
Sarah Kane
Born 1952 (Artistic Associate, Acting and Speech)
Trained in Rudolf and Marie Steiner's Creative Speech and in Michael
Chekhov's approach to acting and theater in Germany, Switzerland
and Britain.
From 1989-96 she was head of the Speech and Drama program at Emerson
College, UK, where she taught Creative Speech and Michael Chekhov's
approach to acting, and researched their interconnections. Ms.
Kane co-founded The Michael Chekhov Centre UK in 1995, to promote
and develop Chekhov's artistic legacy; she then founded 'threshold
theatre' in 1997, to further investigate Chekhov's techniques
in rehearsal and performance. She performed regularly as a speaker
for movement companies and as an actor in the UK for fifteen years.
Ms. Kane became a freelance teacher, director and performer between
1996 and 2002, working regularly in Europe, Britain and the United
States. She taught Creative Speech at the University of Plymouth,
UK, and the Chekhov approach at Cygnet Training Theatre in Exeter
and at The London Centre for Theatre Studies. In 2002 she became
Artistic Associate at the Stanislavsky Theater Studio in Washington
DC, with responsibility for ensemble speech and acting, as well
as performing and directing in the company.
Subjects: Tschechow Training, scene work,
project work
Andrea Pinkowski
Born 1966 (actress)
Studied acting at Neue Münchner Schauspielschule. She won the
award "Förderpreis des Theaters der Landeshauptstadt München".
She has been working at Staatstheater Stuttgart, Sophiensaele
Berlin, Bochum, Theater Magdeburg, Schauspiel Kiel, Staatstheater
Oldenburg a. o.
Subjects: Scene work
Ilse Ritter
Born 1944 (actress)
She started her carreer in 1963 at Stadttheater Darmstadt, where
she has been working until 1967. After that, she worked at Wuppertaler
Bühnen, Staatstheater Stuttgart, Deutsche Schauspielhaus Hamburg,
Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf, Schaubühne Berlin, Schauspielhaus Bochum,
Burgtheater Wien.
In 1985 and 1994 she was actress of the year.
She is member of the Free Academie of Arts Hamburg and the German
Academie of performing arts. Today she is member of the Ensemble
of the Berliner Ensemble.
Thomas Bernhard wrote the play "Ritter, Dene, Voss"
which was dedicated to Kirsten Dene, Gert Voss and Ilse Ritter.
The Play was directed by Claus Peymann and performed in 1986 at
the Salzburg Festival.
She has been working with directors like Hans Bauer, Luc Bondy,
Klaus Michael Grüber, Matthias Hartmann, Christoph Marthaler,
Hans Neuenfels, Claus Peymann, Peter Stein, Jossi Wieler, Wilfried
Minks, Robert Wilson, Peter Zadek und Armin Holz.
Subjects: Scene work
Beatrice Scharmann
Born 1961 (self-employed director and production assistent)
Studied at the MTSB. Worked with Giorgio Stehler at the Teatre
I'Odeon Paris and with Michael Gruner at the Staatstheater Stuttgart
and worked at the Deutsches Theater Berlin.
Assistant at the Staartstheater Stuttgart, Landestheater Neustrelitz
Mecklenburg, and with films. Engaged as director by Landestheater
Neustrelitz Mecklenburg, Theater Halberstadt, etc. Has had several
productions of musicals, opera and speech theatre. Casting agent
for ZDF.
Subjects: Scene work, Directing
Justus Carrière
Born 1956 (actor, director)
Studied at Hochschule Ernst Busch, Berlin.
Acting engagements: Faust-Ensemble Peter Stein, Volksbühne Berlin,
Thalia Theater Hamburg, Stadttheater Aachen, Landesbühne Hannover,
etc. Work for film, television and radio: RBB and Deutschlandfunk
Drama teacher at various drama schools, amonst others: Hochschule
Ernst Busch, Berlin.
Subjects: Scene work, Directing
Rudolf Krause
Born 1964 in Karlsruhe (actor)
Drama training at the Hochschule der Künste, Berlin
Engagements: at the Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz, Landesbühne
Wilhelmshaven, Fasson Theater Zürich, Werkbühne Berlin, Neuköllner
Oper, among others.
Teaching and artistic training at "Lichtenberger Institut für
Gesang und Instrumentalspiel" in the "Funktionalen Methode nach
Gisela Rohmert".
Various roles in television. Absorbed in a study of the forms
of improvisation theatre. Member of the group Theatersport, Berlin.
Director of training. Grimme prize-winner 2003 for "Unter Verdacht
- Verdecktes Spiel " (ZDF/arte).
Subjects: Improvisation, Scene work
Feodor Stepanov
Born 1967 (actor in Moscow)
Studied automatic pilot engineering at the Institute for air
and space technology.
Trained as an actor at the "Masterkaja" drama school where he
also later worked as an actor. Trained at the School for Speech
and Drama at the Goetheanum, Dornach.
Teacher at the state Institute for Film (vGiK), Moscow. Actor
at the "Aktem" Theatre. Co-founder of the "Schule des Spiels",
Moscow. Engagements: for various theatre, film, and radio productions
in Russia, England and Germany.
Subjects: Improvisation
Dido-Marie Laux
Born 1974 (Speachformater, acting coach, teacher and Drama teacher)
Studied Speachformating und Acting at Alanus Hochschule, Chekhov
Foundation Year 1996/97 at the MTSB, Thomas Scheidegger, Zürich.
Teacher for speech, drama and theater education. Consultant and
coach for companies, organizations and individuals in the implementation
of their communication strategies and processes, with the focus
of behavioral psychology and neuroscience communication.
Subjects: Speech Training (Chekhov Foundation
Year), Theatre Education (Vocational Acting Seminar)
Falko Glomm
Born 1966 (actor, speaker, Coach)
Speaker for: Synchron, Public Relation, Audioguides & -descriptions;
Director of the Berliner Dunkeltheaters; Author & Director of
diffrent plays at the Dunkelbühne;
Speechcoach for autdition;
Theaterprojekts at Schools, dm-drogeriemarkt and adult education;
Subjects: Speech training (Advanced Training)
Holger Off
Born 1958 (Singer)
Studied at the Music school Hamburg with Prof. Hans Kagel - first
song and Oratory, later Opera singing.
Engagements: at various German Opera Houses (Hildesheim, Lübeck,
Braunschweig, Osnabrück, etc).
Musicals: Freddy in "My Fair Lady" (1990) und Marvin in "Falsettos"
(1996) He has also performed in plays: in "Otello darf nicht platzen"
at the Hamburger Komödie, Winterhuder Fährhaus and at the Theater
am Kurfürstendamm.
At the Deutschen Schauspielhaus, Hamburg he performed in "Frauen,
Krieg, Lustspiel". Member of the Berlin Comedian Harmonists.
Subjects: Choir, Singing
Nikolai Orloff
Nikolai Orloff comes from Minsk and has lived in Berlin since
1997. Since 2003 engagement at the Renaissance Theater Berlin
with Catherine Lange in "The Artificial Silk Girl," Angela Winkler
in "Journey to Jerusalem" and Daniela Ziegler in "Master Class",
and with Jürgen Thormann in "Wherever the world was at its best."
Collaboration with Volker Kühn, inter alia in "Zores we have enough
... - Cabaret at the Jewish Cultural Association "with Judy Winter,
Ilja Richter and others; concerts with Gisela May in Mainz and
in the program" Eisler meets Tucholsky "at the Deutsches Theater
in Berlin; appearances with Gayle Tufts show" White Christmas
"in the TIPI the tent; 2004 and 2006 musical direction of "Lübeck
summer operetta", "I'm what you've forgotten - Valery Tscheplanowa
sings Fassbinder / Raben" on DT Berlin (2007-9); Second musical
director in "My Fair Lady" and pianist in "the Producers" on Admiral
Palace in Berlin (2008-9); guest pianist for the "Comedian Harmonists".
Lecturer in song interpretation in the theater program at the
University of the Arts.
Subjects: musical director, accompanist
Johanna Jörns
Johanna is trained as a contemporary dancer and specialized in
acrobatics, partnering and contact improvisation. She trains in
the Movement Community with a focus on floor acrobatics, partnering,
bouldering and mobility and agility training.
As a dancer she collaborates with different choreographers and
creates her own pieces. As a choreographer and dance facilitator,
she works with the Deutsche Oper, the UdK Berlin, the Kunsthochschule
Weißensee and the PURPLE Festival, among others.
As a member of the network SuBkultur e.V. she realizes interdisciplinary
dance projects in prisons, schools, museums and theaters. In 2021
she researched the handling of role models in dance artistic work
within the framework of a research grant funded by the federal
Subject: dance
Jörg Brennecke
Born 1956 (Mime und Pantomime)
Studied at the "1. Berliner Schule für Mime und Pantomime" with
Frau Prof. Marie-Luise Anger.
1987 Studied in Paris with Daniel Stein.
1988 Premiere of the first solo program "Lebens-Zeichen"
in Berlin
1994-97 Chen style training Taiji Quan with Ben Fan Zhou
1994 Premiere of the 2nd Soloprogramme "Von Leichtsinn
und Schwerkraft" in Berlin
1983-86 Member of the Ensemble of the "Berlin Pantomimetheater"
2001 Premiere of the III. Soloprogramm "Stories
from the Wind" in Berlin
Since 1984 Performances at home and abroad
France, Poland, Spain and Japan. Invitation to various
international mime festivals.
Since 2002 Founder and Manager of the training
center for MIME and PANTOMIME in Berlin - Charlottenburg.
as Direktor and Trainer
guest lecturer at the Deutsche Oper Berlin
combar and
choreographies in
Subjects: Pantomime, Neutral Mask
Bernhard Mumm
Born 1960 (Feldenkrais Practitioner)
Trained in the Feldenkrais Method with Mia Segal (first assistant
of Moshe Feldenkrais)
Many years experience and training in the Japanese combat art
Runs his own practice and works as a teacher in the realms of
drama and conflict management.
Subjects: Feldenkrais, Aikido
Matthias Fernow
Psycholgischer Berater, Mitarbeiter bei Kommrum e. V. der Kontakt
und Beratungsstelle. Leiter therapeutischer Gesprächsgruppen, staatlich
gepr. Erzieher/ Sozialarbeiter. Ausbildung & Supervision zum Tiefenpsychologischen
Gruppen- und Körpertherapeuten.
Seit 1990 Ausbildung in der japanischen Kampf- und Bewegungskunst
“Aikido” (3. Dan).
Mitbegründer und Trainer des Aikiwerk, einer Non-Profit Trainingsgemeinschaft
für Aikido in Berlin Steglitz.
Fächer: Aikido
Stefan Lenz
Born 1962 (director, drama teacher/therapist)
Studied drama with G. Mundorff, Stuttgart.
Movement training with Carina Schmid, Hamburg.
Since 1996 teacher for physical training and acting technique
at the MTSB.
Teacher of stick fighting and fencing at the UdK, Berlin.
Subjects: Fencing